Monday, July 9, 2012

Bottoms Up

Here's to a new week and good health.

We have now begun yet another change in meds to find my perfect "cocktail." Two Fridays ago I started a new treatment. Orencia. The first treatment was an infusion that will hopefully help jump start the medicine. After that I am now back to weekly injections of stabbing myself in the leg. Luckily after my first round of shots, it seems to be the most painless injection I have taken thus far. That is compared to Enbrel which to me felt like someone was pouring alcohol on an open wound. Humira wasn't too bad but Orencia has been a breeze, thank you Jesus!

So we shall see here in about 2-3 months if this works!

On a side note, I have begun to acknowledge (I say acknowledge because I knew this was true but refused to actually do this) that along with my exercise routine, there are certain things I need to include and take out of my diet. Studies have shown that RA symptoms can be greatly affected by what you put in or leave out of your body (This is really just health in general... you are what you eat).  So there is a blog I follow and she had some great suggestions for things to eat and do and things to not eat and do.

While all of her suggestions are specifically talking to people with RA, really they can be for anyone who wants to try to live a cleaner, healthier lifestyle.

Changes I have made so far.... reluctantly:
Reduce meat
Eat more fish
Reduce gluten
No nightshade veggies (see below) which includes potatoes... I miss my fries!
Pretend to reduce sugar... it's baby steps.

Below is her post: 


1. UNHEALTHY FATS. Trans fats and other hydrogenated oils are the primary offenders. “We know that as little as 3g of trans fats a day can lead to an increase in heart disease and stroke risk,” says Fred Pescatore, MD. Saturated fats from animal products also are linked to the production of inflammatory chemicals.
2. REFINED CARBOHYDRATES. Inflammation can impair blood sugar regulation, which is worsened by eating refined carbohydrates/high-glycemic index foods, such as sugar and white flour.
3. ANIMAL PRODUCTS. Meat, poultry, eggs and shellfish are all high in arachidonic acid, a compound that contributes to inflammation. Eat organic when possible, and choose fish, white meat chicken and nonfat dairy products to lower arachidonic acid consumption.
4. GLUTEN. Wheat and many other grains, like rye, barley and spelt, contain a protein called gluten that may be associated with inflammation.
5. NIGHTSHADES. Potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants and peppers are members of the nightshade family and contain a compound called solanine that can trigger inflammation in some people.


1. SALMON. Wild-caught salmon is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce inflammation. (Avoid farm-raised salmon; it’s higher in arachidonic acid, as well as PCBs and other toxins.) Herring, mackerel and sardines are also rich in omega-3s.
2. WALNUTS. A source of omega-3s, walnuts appear to counter some of the inflammatory processes that lead to heart disease. They are packed with other healthful compounds, including vitamin E, which is a powerful immune booster, says Pescatore.
3. ONIONS. Onions are high in quercetin, a type of antioxidant that inhibits enzymes that trigger inflammation; onions also contain sulfur compounds that are used to manage the body’s immune system. Other sources include apples, broccoli, red wine, red grapes or grape juice and tea.
4. BLUEBERRIES. Blueberries are loaded with anthocyanins, a type of polyphenol antioxidant that boosts immunity and protects the body from free radical damage, which triggers inflammation. Other good sources of polyphenols include blackberries, strawberries, raspberries and cranberries.
5. SWEET POTATOES. Sweet potatoes are rich in carotenoids, antioxidants that, like anthocyanins, boost immunity and minimize inflammation. Other good sources of carotenoids are deep orange, red, yellow and green fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, winter squash, red peppers, mangoes and papayas.
6. SPINACH. Spinach is rich in inflammation-fighting carotenoids, as well as immune-boosting vitamin E. Other greens that are great for immunity are kale, chard, turnip greens and mustard greens.
7. GARLIC. Like onions, garlic is rich in sulfur compounds that stimulate the immune system by boosting the activity of natural killer and T helper cells, which manage the immune system. Garlic is also a potent anti-inflammatory agent.
8. PINEAPPLE. Bromelain, found in the pineapple stem, is an enzyme that decreases inflammation and has some immune-enhancing effects. Pineapple is an excellent source of the antioxidant vitamin C.
9. GINGER. Fresh ginger root acts as an anti-inflammatory by inhibiting COX-2 enzymes, part of the chemical pathway that produces inflammatory chemicals.
10. TURMERIC. Turmeric is the key component in curry, turmeric contains curcumin, a compound that has anti-inflammatory effects; like ginger, it works as a COX-2 inhibitor, says Reinagel.

We will continue to struggle with flares but it's possible to have less of them as we can support our 'healing system' to become virtually pain free!


1. NURTURE. Nurture your body to give it quality fuel in order to sustain a strong immune system. Personally I chose a version of the Mediterranean Diet rich in fish, vegetables and olive oil which helped me. (olive oil, extra virgin, first cold press)
2. HUMOR. Keep a good sense of humor and laugh often, surround yourself with positive fun people. This is very important for your healing system; your endorphin levels will soar and the side effect is stress relief!
3. EXERCISE. Exercise helps us manage our weight and moods. It promotes better health in numerous ways. Exercise can be fun things, like dancing, biking, or even taking a belly dancing or tap class. Swimming is excellent, it's what I did for a year when I couldn't walk.
4. WATER. Drink ample amounts of pure, clean water to help your body rid itself of toxins and keeps organs working more efficiently. It's recommended by health professionals we drink 8 glasses. Do not substitute other beverages, the body needs clean, fresh water, preferably at room temperature so not to chill the organs.
I use Lemon slices in mine, which also helps encourage elimination.
5. VITAMIN D. Vitamin D is derived naturally from the sun. Nutritionists now suggest we need daily exposure to the healing rays of the sun. Early morning, until 10 and early evening after 3 is the best. Avoidance of the sun is not considered a healthy choice. Another option, Cod Liver Oil, get the best, I suggest Carlson's.
6. EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL. Use 'First Cold Press' for salads and table use. For cooking, Coconut Oil which does not change to a killer fat during the heating process. Jeanne Calment, who holds the record for the longest confirmed lifespan, reportedly attributed her longevity and relatively youthful appearance to olive oil, which she said she poured on all her food and rubbed into her skin.
7. ORGANIC. Go Organic! Organic fruits and vegetables have more flavor, higher nutritional content and less toxins. Organic vegetables have a shorter storage life but they contain a higher amount of live plant enzymes necessary daily to aid our digestive process.
8. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Eat fruits and vegetables that are local when available and in season. Lightly cooking vegetables is advised. *Juice whenever possible. I recommend 4 days a week.
9. REDUCE MEAT. Reduce the amount of beef and pork, eat instead chicken, fish, eggs, beans and tofu for protein sources.
10. SUPPLEMENTS. Add quality supplements to your diet everyday to ensure you are receiving adequate amounts of all 50 required nutrients required by the body. I use Standard Process. When looking for a quality supplement it is important to know the manufacturing company produces products which meet or exceed established standards of excellence in supplement manufacturing.
11. LIFESTYLE. Lifestyle changes can make a big difference, get proper rest and enough quality sleep. Listen to your body, it will signal you with symptoms of distress when it's heading towards illness. Listen to it!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

I climbed a mountain!

My name is Tiffany and I have a problem. I am terrible at taking pictures when I should, and I keep them on my phone for way too long without doing anything with them. My phone is just a jumbled mess of pictures. So today I thought, you know, maybe I should post that trip to Denver back in September on Facebook. I am pretty sure I told many-a-person that I would share the pictures... 7 months later is still timely.

So I created my Denver/Albuquerque album (if you're my FB friend you can check them out) and forgot how much fun and how memorable of a trip that was. For one, Denver is gorgeous and so much fun! Second, we got to spend the second half of the trip with some of Spencer's best friends in Albuquerque. They are definitely some of my favorite people! But one day on the trip, a couple of us decided to go hiking... up a mountain... a little more than 12 miles. And in case you forgot the direction of a mountain... it goes up!

So that morning, we got up early, packed our Gold Fish and PB&J's, filled up our Camelbaks and started trekking up this thing. What really scared me the most was the thought of coming foot to face with a rattle snake. Stu and Jenna, who live in Abu and hiked with Spencer and I, talked about how they've seen rattle snakes along the trail and it's not a big deal. Really?! A rattle snake? Not a big deal?! Needless to say... a majority of the beginning of the trip, my eyes were locked on the ground looking out for death.

This was my forced "I'm having fun and not worrying about snakes" smile.

After about mile 7, I was tired and I figured if the snakes got me, well at least I died in a pretty place. The hike was so beautiful the entire way up. It is so amazing to see God's creation from this perspective. I've always said that the higher you are in altitude the closer you are to God... mainly because the higher you are, the closer you are to certain death if something goes wrong... just saying. How many people pray for the first time in years during bad turbulence? Man a lot of death talk on this post. I promise it gets happier.

Then after more than 4 hours and 12 miles, we made it to the summit! It was the most incredible feeling! This of course was back in September, but my stomach gets all butterfly-ee when I think back on that moment. That moment of feeling like you conquered... no kicked something's butt! I think back to how bumpy my health was then and how many strides I have made up until now. If I was able to climb a mountain at one of my worst points, think of the things I have to come!

I may never run a half marathon again but hiking almost a half marathon ain't half bad. (I bet there is a pun somewhere in there) I know it's only been a year, and I know my battle has just begun, but by golly, I have faith that can move a mountain! I have faith that things happen for a reason. It would be lovely to know that reason right now, but I know I will look back at these years, just like looking back at these photos, and I will have that butterfly-ee feeling because I will finally get to see how each experience, wether good or bad, was just a trail up the mountain. And when I reach the summit, it will all be worth it.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Well that was fun

Growing up in Oklahoma, you get used to the threat of tornadoes, but no matter how long you have lived in Tornado Ally or how many tornadoes you have been through/seen, nothing prepares you for when a twister is headed your way. You are helpless, you say a prayer and hope for the best.

Yesterday was my year anniversary of my diagnosis and to celebrate, mother nature decided to throw a party, tornadoes and all. Spencer and I were supposed to drive to Kansas last night after the Thunder game, but I was too nervous with storms headed our way and others up north. So we decided to leave early this morning... that would be why I am up before 10 a.m. on a Saturday. So around 2:30 a.m. this morning, I woke up to blaring sirens, which is funny because when I went to bed at 1:30 a.m. we were in the clear. Obviously mother nature was just so excited and wanted to party through the night. I turned on the T.V. and saw we had about 3 minutes until the circulation was going to be in our area. I ran to wake up my roommate, grabbed my purse, grabbed important documents and ran to the garage where we have a "fraidy hole." Let me just say, best peace of mind investment you can make! It was a very odd storm, very quiet. The circulation was on the southern edge of the storm, so there was no thunder, no nothing with it. After about 7 or 8 minutes, after my roommate Katie and I got over our shock, I crawled out and saw on TV that the storm had passed about 5 miles north. Thank you Jesus! Unfortunately, it was headed in the direction of my parent's neighborhood, which since storms ALWAY pass near there, some of the news stations actually mark it on their map. I called my parents to make sure they knew what was going on. They then headed to their shelter. So I can honestly say, we got our money's worth for both shelters last night!

I finally got back to bed around 5 a.m. just in time for my 6 a.m. alarm... remember the whole Kansas drive thing... yeah. It's early. But I am so thankful that it was not worse because so many people posted on Facebook this morning how they slept through the sirens. That is what's so scary about night twisters. You generally aren't prepared and they can be nearly impossible to see on the ground. And when a night twister touches down in a highly populated metro area... that can be very bad new bears!

So what did I learn? A storm shelter is worth it and fear/adrenalin/lack of sleep can take a huuuuuge toll on your body. I'm one of those who has been blessed to feel my arthritis when it's going to It's going to rain today. I can feel it. The situation from last night the and barometric pressure issue has done a number on my joints today. I kind of feel like a creaky door when I move :)

All of this to say, happy one year anniversary to figuring out what was wrong and for a new beginning. I am not the same person I was a year ago. Like the song from Wicked says "because I knew [RA], I have been changed for good." I would never wish this for myself or on anyone I know but dealing with this disease on a daily basis has helped me to rely on God daily... not just when things aren't going my way. I am more hopeful when things get rough in any situation and I am more determined than ever to take control of my life and my body and not allow it to defeat me or dictate how I live my life. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Just keep swimming

It's funny how childhood experiences can prepare you for life 15 years or so down the road. Between the age of 8 and 12, I was on my neighborhood swim team. I didn't love it and I wasn't the best at it. I wasn't bad, but swimming was not my calling. But it did teach me how to swim, how to breath and how to be comfortable in the water. After age 12 I stopped swim team and mainly focused on ballet and other "cool" activities.

Fast forward to 2010... I decided to attempt a tri-sprint, which includes about a 400 yard swim, a 13 miles bike ride and a 5k run. So obviously I started swimming again to train. I will say, the first time actually swimming laps in more than 10 years was a little rough. But eventually I got back into the swing of things and became pretty decent at it. I never imaged when I was 8 or even in 2010 how important swimming would become to me.

My boyfriend Spencer is a runner. When we met in April 2010, I was just getting into running. I did a couple of horrible 5ks, but with his help I really improved. Spencer pushed me and made me become obsessed with competing. He helped me train for a half marathon that I completed in Dallas in December 2011. I finished in 2 hours 4 min, which I think is pretty good. Shortly after running the half marathon, my body starting to basically break down. My right wrist became so painful that just barely brushing my thumb would bring me to my knees. Then my feet started to go. Waking up in the morning became the worst part of my day. I dreaded going to sleep at night because of how I would feel in the morning. Walking became so painful and every joint in my body became stiff.

I finally went to the doctor and long story short, on April 13, 2011 at the age of 23 I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. The day I was diagnosed I think I was able to stop crying for about 10 minutes. It was such a blow. I had been active my entire life and now I could barely walk, I couldn't use my right hand and I was in constant pain. Everything I had been able to do just less than 5 months earlier... A HALF MARATHON.... I could not longer do. It still makes me sad today when I see people running. I miss running. I miss that freedom.

For about 6 or 7 months, I really didn't do anything in the way of exercise. It hurt to move and I really had no motivation. Everyone kept telling me, "you have to keep moving or you will lose it." My problem was I couldn't really move. But after getting on meds, they finally starting to work enough where I could go for walks, take a couple of yoga classes and that was about it.

Then one day I thought, why not try swimming again. Why not... I have nothing better to do. So I started swimming again and, oh my gosh. That freedom that I have been craving, that feeling of not being held back, it was back. It didn't occur to me until just recently how God used my past experience to prepare and give me hope for my future. I say that because most of my friends today hate swimming. They aren't good and they would prefer to run, cycle or do something else. Swimming in my mind is almost like a foreign language. It is much easier to pick up when you are young. And because of being on the swim team as a child, I have so much more pleasure in swimming now... and I'm actually pretty good at it.

On a side note, I have tried to get into the senior arthritis pool classes at the gym... but the seniors have yet to accept me. I am this new fresh meat and I have to earn... or hobble... my way in. And believe me, I can do both!

So thank you Jesus for caring so much about me. You knew I had to face this battle in my future, so you prepared me at such a young age with the tools I would need to fight, to keep moving and to be an example that just because you're down, doesn't mean you're out.